
CMA has 856 recovery meeting entries listed by time of day, according to the state, city or zip you choose, Sunday through Saturday.  By utilizing the “near me” search function, you can easily find meetings in close proximity to your location, organized by time of day. Rest assured, all the information provided is done so in good faith, as we heavily rely on the groups to keep us updated with the latest details.

All meetings are now added to our C4R timezone system. Time zones are activated.
Each meeting was manually updated by a team of volunteers. Did we mess up your meeting? CLICK HERE to let us know.
Online meetings are listed in YOUR current time. Online meetings no longer show a location as they are online. 

We’ve created a *new section — literature for “reading at meetings”.

In the event that you are unable to locate a Crystal Meth Anonymous meeting in your area, we extend an invitation for you to start a new meeting of CMA. To assist you in getting started, we have included helpful links HERE.

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